Day 27 : Learn How to Handle Exceptions in Python Effectively

Day 27 : Learn How to Handle Exceptions in Python Effectively


Hello fellow coders! Today, we will discuss on Exception Handling in my Python journey, and I'm excited to share my experiences with you. In this series, I'll document my progress, successes, and setbacks. Join me as I explore the world of Python!


exception handling is used to define alternative ways to achieve the task.

in python error is basically two types,

. compile time error / syntax error

. run time error / exception


when program starts execution it becomes a process.


the running instance of a program is known as process.

what is the behaviour of syntax error

syntax error does not permit to start the process.

what is the behavior of exception

exception permits to start the process but does not permits to complete the process.


. compile time error is also known as syntax error in python.

. syntax error does not permit to start the process.

. types of syntax error :

Syntax Error

Indentation Error

Tab Error

. what is the reason for syntax error :

missing parenthesis

missing ' or " EOL

missing control char :

indentation mistake

invalid syntax

. for syntax error programmer is itself responsible

. programmer itself responsible to resolve syntax error by editing the program.


. run time error is also known as exception.

. exception permits to start the process but does not permits to complete the process.

. what are the types of exception aval in python,

  • NameError

  • ValueError

  • TypeError

  • AttributeError

  • IndexError

  • KeyError

  • ZeroDivisionError

etc .

. what is the reason for exception

. invalid input

. invalid logic

. client / user is responsible for exception

. to handle exception programmer is responsible.

. when exception raised in python process will be terminated in a abnormal way without completing the process.

. exception handling is used to define alternative ways to achieve the objective / complete the process in a normal way.

print ( 'process is started !')
x = int ( input ( 'Enter x : '))
y = int ( input ( 'Enter y : '))

print ( 'sum:{} sub:{} mul:{} div:{}' . format (
        x+y , x-y, x*y, x/y ))
print ( 'process is completed !')

types of exception :

  • NameError

  • ValueError

  • TypeError

  • AttributeError

  • ZeroDivisionError

  • IndexError

  • KeyError

  • FileNotFoundError

  • ImportError

  • ModuleNotFoundError


print ( 'process is started !')

# print ( var )                                         NameError 
# print ( 10 + 'five' )                                 TypeError 
# x = int ( 'ten' )                                     ValueError 
# tuple () . append ( 10 )                              AtrributeError 
# print ( 10/0 )                                        ZeroDivisionError 

# print ( [ 10, 20, 30 ] [ 5 ] )                        IndexError 
# print ( { 1 : 11 , 2 : 22 , 3 : 33 } [ 1.5 ] )        KeyEror 

# from sys import argv, argc                            ImportError 
# import moduleNotAval                                  ModuleNotFoundError 

# print ( open ( 'xyz.txt' , 'r' ) . read () )          FileNotFoundError 

print ( 'process is completed !')

Challenges :

  1. Understanding exception rules.

  2. Familiarizing myself with Python exceptions.

Resources :

  1. Official Python Documentation

  2. Scaler's Python Course

  3. W3Schools' Python Tutorial

Goals for Tomorrow :

  1. Explore exception handling.

  2. Learn about exceptions.

Conclusion :

Day 27 was a great! I'm eager to continue learning and improving.

If you're a seasoned Python developer, share your advice and resources in the comments below.

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Next Post :

Day 28: something more about exception handling.